Thursday, October 23, 2008

Re: Gary Boxall

Subject: Re: Gary Boxall'''
Date: 10/20/2008 1:38:22 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Reply To:


I am Gary Boxall of Butterfield Private Bank (Joseph Leopold), United
Kingdom. I am contacting you independently concerning a deceased customer:
Morris Thompson, 61. An American who unfortunately lost his life in the
plane crash of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 which crashed on January 31
2000, including his wife and only daughter. You shall read more about the
crash on visiting the below site.

I am contacting you independently of our investigation and no one is
informed of this communication. I would like to intimate you with certain
facts that I believe would be of mutual benefit to both of us. He informed
us that he had a financial portfolio of Twelve million United States
dollars, which he wished to have us turn over (invest) on his behalf. I
decided to treat his case personally; I made numerous suggestions in line
with my duties as the de-facto chief Intermediary Sales department of the
bank, especially given the volume of funds he wished to put into our bank.
We met on numerous occasions prior to any investments being placed. I
encouraged him to consider various growth funds with prime ratings. My
advice to customers is to start by assessing them invest. Based on my
advice, we spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive
margins for our first months of operation, the accrued profit and interest
stood at this point at over One million United States Dollars, this margin
was not the full potential of the fund but he desired low risk guaranteed
returns on investments.

I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin/Beneficiary to the
deceased so that this said funds can be paid to you. I contacted my
affiliate and made the funds available to a security firm due to Cash
movement across boarders has become especially strict since the incidents
of 9/11. I undertook all the processes and made sure I followed his
Precise instructions to the letter and had the funds deposited with the
security firm. The Security Firm is a specialist private firm that accepts
deposits from high net worth individuals and blue chip corporations that
handle valuable products or undertake transactions that need immediate
access to cash. This small and highly private organization is familiar
especially to the highly placed and well-connected organizations. In line
with instructions, the money was deposited with the security firm. The
Customer told me he wanted the money there in anticipation of his arrival
from Norway later that week this was the last communication we had from

Please, note I am a family man; I have a wife and children. I send you
this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I
know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success
and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. This is the one truth
I have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray my
confidence. I hereby agree to compensate your sincere and candid effort in
this regard with 50% of the fund when finally received by you.

Your urgent response will be highly anticipated and appreciated.

Best regards,

Gary Boxall

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